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  1. A Master of Arts (Latin: Magister Artium or Artium Magister; abbreviated MA or AM) is the holder of a master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. The degree is usually contrasted with that of Master of Science.

  2. MA = Master of Arts; MBA = Master of Business Administration; MDiv = Master of Divinity; MSc tai M.Sc. = Master of Science; MSc (Admin) tai M.Sc. (Admin.) = Master of Administrative Sciences; MSc (Arch) tai M.Sc. (Arch.) = Master of Science (Architecture) MSc (Econ) tai M.Sc. (Econ.) = Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

  3. Englanninkielisessä yliopistomaailmassa ylemmistä korkeakoulututkinnoista (postgraduate) käytetään mm. lyhenteitä: MA = Master of Arts (yhteiskuntatieteellinen tai humanistinen tutkinto). Joissain Skotlannin yliopistoissa MA-tutkinto on alempi korkeakoulututkinto.

  4. In the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin, Bachelors of Arts are promoted to the degree of Master of Arts or Master in Arts (MA) on application after six or seven years as members of the university, including years as an undergraduate.

  5. Master of arts, degree and title conferred by colleges and universities to indicate the completion of a postgraduate course of study in the humanities (such as philosophy, arts, or languages). Candidates are often required to take an exam and to complete a thesis or creative project.